Module 1: Introduction to R

General description

R is a widely-used programming language for statistical data analysis. This beginner-friendly module aims to provide participants with a solid foundation in R, empowering them to explore, analyze, and visualize data efficiently. Emphasis is placed on hands-on practical exercises and real-world examples, enabling students to immediately apply their knowledge.

The following key topics will be covered:

  • Understanding the difference between R, Rstudio and R notebook
  • Exploring basic arithmetic and logical operations.
  • Introduction to essential data structures, including vectors, matrices, and data frames
  • Importing data files
  • Manipulating, indexing and pivoting data structures
  • Generating descriptive statistics and visualisations in base-R
  • Introduction to the tidyverse approach (incl. ggplot2 visualisations)

As from 2024 onwards, this module can be followed together with module 12 Introduction to statistics with R in a complete Novice track for this Summer School.

Target audience and course prerequisites

This is a beginner’s course.  You will be required to install R and Rstudio on your laptop before coming to class.

Course materials

All course materials will be provided online and include slides, R-scripts and Notebooks, exercises and solutions, datasets and further reading.

Teacher bio

Dr. Ludovic De Cuypere is currently an Associate Professor of English Linguistics at Vrije Universiteit Brussel and serves as a Research Support Officer at the Linguistics Department of Ghent University. He earned his PhD in Germanic Languages and Literature from Ghent University in 2007, with a dissertation on iconicity in language. His research has centred on alternating syntactic constructions, explored from various linguistic perspectives and in multiple languages. Dr. De Cuypere has contributed to theoretical and epistemological aspects of linguistic debates, along with aiding in the methodological design and statistical analysis of numerous studies. His work is published in esteemed journals such as Language Sciences, English Language and Linguistics, Revue Romane, Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, among others. An advocate for Open Science, he has released several datasets on TROLLing, a curated repository under DataverseNo.


  • Monday 14/07/2025, 9:00-10:30 & 11:00-12:30 & 14:00-15:30 & 16:00-17:30
  • Tuesday 15/07/2025, 9:00-10:30 & 11:00-12:30 & 14:00-15:30 & 16:00-17:30
  • Wednesday 16/07/2025, 9:00-10:30 & 11:00-12:30